Put A in touch with B
- keep in touch with sb. (有「保持聯絡」的意思)
- put sb. in touch with sb. (「將某人介紹某人」的意思)
"Put A in touch with B"字面意思是「將 A 和 B 聯繫起來」。在商務場合中,它通常用來表示將某人介紹給另一個人,以便他們可以進行交流或合作
I can put you in touch with our sales manager. (我可以將您介紹給我們的銷售經理。)
I'll put you in touch with someone who can help you with this project. (我會將您介紹給一位可以幫助您完成這個項目的專家。)
Let me put you in touch with a friend of mine. She might be able to give you some helpful advice. (我把我朋友的聯絡方式給你吧,他應該可以給你一些有用的建議。)
Though I couldn't close the deal with that client, he was still kind enough to put me in touch with another potential client.
除了 "Put A in touch with B" 之外,還有其他的表達也
- Connect A with B:將 A 和 B 連接起來
- Introduce A to B:將 A 介紹給 B
- Refer A to B:將 A 推薦給 B