辦公室英文聽起來好像很可怕?別擔心!其實只要掌握一些常用單字,就能輕鬆應對各種職場情境! 拿多今天就來幫大家整理一些超實用的辦公室英文單字,讓你秒變英文高手!
- Lobby 大廳
- Please wait in the lobby, and I'll inform Mr. Wang of your arrival. (請您在大廳稍候,我會通知王先生您已抵達。)
- Reception 櫃台、前台
- Please sign in at the reception desk and take a visitor pass. (請您在櫃台登記並領取訪客證。)
- Conference room (大型)會議室
- The conference room is equipped with a projector, screen, and whiteboard. (會議室配有投影機、螢幕和白板。)
- Meeting room (小型)會議室
- We need a meeting room for a team brainstorming session. (我們需要一間會議室進行團隊腦力激盪。)
- Tea room / Pantry / Micro-kitchen 茶水間
- The tea room provides complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks. (茶水間提供免費的咖啡、茶和點心。)
- Staff lounge 員工休息室
- The staff lounge is a great place to relax and unwind during breaks. (員工休息室是休息時間放鬆的好地方。)
- Smoking area 吸菸區
- Smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking area. (僅限在指定的吸菸區吸菸。)
- Cubicle 辦公室隔間座位
- Each employee is provided with a cubicle equipped with a desk, chair, and computer. (每位員工都配有一個隔間座位,配有桌子、椅子和電腦。)
- Hanging garden 空中花園
- The hanging garden offers a peaceful retreat from the busy office environment. (空中花園提供了一個遠離繁忙辦公室環境的寧靜休憩場所。)
- Mailroom 郵件室
- All incoming mail is sorted and distributed by the mailroom staff. (所有收到的郵件都由郵件室工作人員進行分類和分發。)
- Storage room 儲藏室
- The storage room is located on the basement floor. (儲藏室位於地下室。)
- Fire escape 逃生梯
- In case of fire, use the fire escape to evacuate the building. (發生火災時,請使用逃生梯疏散。)
- File room / Records room 檔案室
- Important documents are stored securely in the file room. (重要文件安全地存放在檔案室中。)

- Printer 印表機備
- The printer is connected to the network, so you can print from any computer in the office. (印表機已連接到網路,因此您可以從辦公室的任何電腦列印。)
補充:常見的印表機種類包括雷射印表機 (laser printer) 和噴墨印表機 (inkjet printer)。
- Copy machine 影印機
- The copy machine can also be used to scan documents and send faxes. (影印機也可以用於掃描文件和發送傳真。)
- Fax machine 傳真機
- Although less common now, some businesses still use fax machines to send and receive documents. (雖然現在不太常見,但有些企業仍然使用傳真機來收發文件。)
- Shredder 碎紙機
- It is important to shred confidential documents to prevent identity theft. (碎紙機密文件以防止身份盜用非常重要。)
- Punch clock 打卡機
- Please punch in and out every day to accurately track your working hours. (請每天打卡以準確記錄您的工作時間。)
- Ethernet cable 網路線
- A wired connection using an Ethernet cable is generally more stable than a wireless connection. (使用網路線的有線連接通常比無線連接更穩定。)
- Charging cable 充電線
- Make sure you bring your charging cable to the meeting so your laptop doesn't run out of battery. (確保您將充電線帶到會議中,以免您的筆記型電腦電池耗盡。)
- Extension cord 延長線
- The extension cord provides multiple outlets, allowing you to plug in several devices. (延長線提供多個插座,允許您插入多個設備。)
- Adapter (plug) 轉接頭
- If you are traveling internationally, you may need a plug adapter to charge your devices. (如果您要出國旅行,您可能需要一個轉接頭來為您的設備充電。)
- Projector 投影機
- The projector has a high resolution, providing a clear and sharp image. (投影機具有高解析度,可提供清晰銳利的影像。)
- Router 路由器
- The router is responsible for managing network traffic and ensuring a stable connection. (路由器負責管理網路流量並確保連接穩定。)
- Water dispenser 飲水機
- The water dispenser offers both hot and cold water options. (飲水機提供冷熱水選項。)

- Post-it 便利貼
- Post-it notes are a great way to leave reminders for yourself or your colleagues. (便利貼是為自己或同事留下提醒的好方法。)
- Stapler/staples 釘書機/訂書針
- The stapler can hold up to 20 sheets of paper. (這台釘書機最多可以釘 20 張紙。)
- Paperclip 迴紋針
- Paperclips are a simple and effective way to keep documents organized. (迴紋針是一種簡單有效的文件整理方式。)
- Folder 文件夾
- Folders can be used to organize documents by project, client, or date. (文件夾可用於按專案、客戶或日期整理文件。)
- Packaging tape 封箱膠帶
- Please use packaging tape to securely seal the box. (請用包裝膠帶將箱子封好)
- Ink cartridge 墨水匣
- he printer is showing a low ink warning. We need to order new ink cartridges. (印表機顯示墨水不足的警告。我們需要訂購新的墨水夾。)
- Slide deck 簡報
- Please email the slide deck to all participants before the meeting. (請在會議前將簡報檔案電郵給所有參與者。)
- Report/statement 報表
- The financial report shows a significant increase in profits this quarter. (財務報表顯示本季度利潤大幅增長。)
補充:常見的報表類型包括財務報表 (financial statement)、銷售報告 (sales report) 和專案報告 (project report)。

以上就是拿多為您精心整理的辦公室常用英文單字,希望能幫助您在職場上更加得心應手! 😎
相信您的企業英文能力一定會突飛猛進! 🚀
最後,拿多要提醒您,學習語言最重要的還是 「實踐」 !不要害怕犯錯,勇敢開口說英文,才能真正將所學應用在生活中喔!